integrative & whole-istic 

Spiritual Counseling

This is a 3-month virtual container offering 1:1 guidance for those craving a life that is not just survived but cherished—a soft, sacred existence in sync with both your own and nature’s rhythm. A life not measured by your busy-ness, but rather your capacity to experience more devotion and pleasure. Through this journey, you’ll be guided towards the wisdom of your body and spirit to cultivate real self love, freedom, and true peace.

Embrace Life More Fully

A beautiful, intentional life does not simply happen to you; it must be cultivated and nurtured. If you want the universe to show up differently — to meet you softer, bigger, with more love, more magick, more joy — one thing is for sure; you cannot keep moving the same way, dancing the same dance. We can name our habits, tendencies, or unhelpful patterns... But nothing shifts until we learn how to meet the moment in a new way; until we embody a new way of being.

Within the liminal space, between the life you’re walking now and the one that is becoming, you’ll learn to love yourself—again and again and again until the fruits begin to ripen, the flowers begin to bloom. There is pure gold within the shadows waiting to be claimed. Your younger self is waiting for you, too. As you step into becoming the alchemist of your own life, clarity will come. There will be new rhythm, new dance, a new way to be.

My approach involves the nurturing of four chapters:

  • You’re not who you were but you’re also not quite fully embodied in the fullest, most expressed version of you.

    The tree’s trunk and branches extend from both the stability of healthy roots and the psychic and soulful kinship of its surrounding allies. Similarly, our first chapter is to establish safety within the body / mind as you connect to your heart, your spiritual allies, and ground in intention.

  • With reverence and gratitude for the path that led you here, we’ll not only peel back layers of trauma, ingrained patterns, and limiting beliefs…but let them go. Integral to this chapter is the connection to your inner child.

    This chapter innately comes with grief, which will be tenderly held and honored. Your release becomes rich fertilizer from which we’ll nurture new, more loving ways of being.

  • Integration is the work of gathering the bones. The focus of this chapter is bringing all parts back to innate wholeness & expanding your capacity to hold the life your heart yearns for. This is how you take your new way of being into an integrated way of life – remembering who you are and writing yourself a new story.

  • This chapter is your rebirth. Embodiment is not only clarifying a life aligned with your soul’s deepest call, but also reshaping your reality from the inside out. Embodiment is moving from the wisdom held within your body — meeting life with an open heart and deep presence.

Self compassion as a path back towards innate wholeness, freedom, and vitality

This 1:1 container is an integrative, whole-istic approach to counseling — honoring the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical dimensions of being human. This path is one of remembering who you are. Here’s the caveat: you don’t need to be “one” thing. Learning to hold duality will connect you to greater vitality.

Many healing approaches look at our habits/patterns/ways of being as wrong or defective and seek to change them. It may sound counterintuitive, but I believe that the more we seek to change something, the more it gets amplified within our unconscious. When we, instead, meet these parts of ourselves with compassion—offering them spaciousness, awareness, and an opportunity to express themselves—they soften and we can reclaim wholeness.

“Have you ever bathed in the ocean, a river, or a lake, not simply to swim, but to be healed in some small way? Have you ever been stopped in your path by a flower? Do you feel how the earth responds to emotion? Do you feel how you resist? When did we stop being excited? When did we stop allowing beauty to bring us to our knees? When did we learn to turn the colors, the sensations, the awe of living all the way down? Can we stop taking the spirit out of everything? Can we stop sliding back to grayscale? It’s time to shed the tears you buried for years and years and years. It’s time to welcome sensation through your whole body. It’s time to remember: you’re safe here.

The tools utilized within our 1:1 container:

  • Heart-Based Conversation

  • Depth Psychology 

  • Inner Child Work

  • Nervous System Regulation 

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)

  • Breathwork

  • Somatic Healing

  • Embodiment Practices

  • Shamanic Healing Practices

  • Personalized Ritual 

  • Yogic Wisdom + Practice

  • Meditation + Mindfulness

  • Intuitive Guidance